Return form

Plakfestival return form

If you are not satisfied with the items you ordered, you have the
option to return it within 14 days of receipt. Send
the completed return form together with the invoice with the shipment.
If this form is not completely completed, we cannot process the return request
not to be processed.

To be eligible for a refund of the purchase price or
For an exchange, the returned product must be in its original condition and provided
of tags and tags are returned. The product may not
contain signs of use. We reserve the right to accept returns
to refuse articles if there is a suspicion that the articles are already available
used or damaged through no fault of our own.

A return shipment must have a track & trace code. The
sender is always responsible for shipping.

Return address:
Plaque festival
Bergmolen 71
1035 BD, Amsterdam

ORDER NUMBER: _____________________
NAME: _____________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS: _____________________
PHONE NUMBER: _____________________